Director Jeong-beom Lee (2010) Starring Bin Won, Thanayong Wongtrakul and Sae-ron Kim
Man from freaking nowhere... damn.
Damn you Bin Won and your striking good looks that have now made any other man inadequate and unattractive in my eyes, forever.
Anyway. This film kicks ass and the reason I'm writing it about it is because....

-- I know Bin Won... I can't believe it either.
Don't worry.. you're irreplaceable.--
Also, http://themovieblog.com/ talks nicely of it and gives a sweet character analysis.
I just dislike their cocky subtitle... there are no "correct" opinions. But I appreciate your attempt at humor themovieblog... if there was one.

Ok, let's begin shall we?
Cha Tae-sik (Bin Won) is a pawn shop owner who keeps to himself. He runs the pawn shop right outside his actual apartment, literally, right outside the door. In the beginning scenes, we don't know much about him. This girl that lives in the building Jeong So-mi (Sae-ron Kim) seems to be his only friend.

It's a seemingly pointless moment before we are introduced to Tae-sik, that the camera focuses on this bucket of white flowers. It could be a transition into a purer part of the story, followed up by a pure-hearted protagonist. Who knows?
I've connected these flowers with something that comes to the surface about Tae-sik later in the film; could be wrong though.
Darn... this is one of those movies where I just don't want to give too much away... but it's so hard not to! I love this film.
It's not like it's even a fresh idea?
I mean, after discussing this with a friend he brought up the fact that the story is similar to "Man on Fire", and I noticed that... it had it's differences but... yes it was similar.

But what I love about Asian films, besides the attractive casts, are the characters personalities and specifically how they are acted out. (e.g. saying very little but saying enough). Very different to recent American films, where I find it to be more verbalizing and less imagery.
I like to be left on the waters edge, not thrown into the lake.

If you have seen "Man on Fire" then you can probably figure out how "Man From Nowhere" plays out.


*sigh* so tempted to post the many screenshots I've taken of this kick-ass film, but I mustn't
I am trying to post the cool, but still, less-relevant-than-other shots.

See the movie, and hurry! Before Dimension Films massacres it... just as Hollywood has massacred other foreign films :(

*cough* Wicker Park, The Uninvited, Girl With The Dragon Tattoo, Original Sin, Mirrors, Vanilla Sky, Criminal, Sigaw, Nikita, BANGKOK DANGEROUS *cough*.
hahaha... I should stop.
THOUGH, props to Hollywood for doing "Brothers" really well in my opinion... and another movie, but the name escapes me right now.
kay... Back to Bin Won :)

Super great movie and smoothly executed. It's a long film, pretty much 2 hours.
But luckily, it's 2 hours of pure Korean sweetness. There's twists all over this movie, so make sure you wear your no-slip sneakers.

The scenes are disturbing, chilling and they keep you on your toes from the minute the actions really takes off right to the very last minute of the ending scene.
I've read that this film grossed $45.-- something million in Korea and I'm glad it was recognized and was so successful. Bin Won's acting was really incredible.

I also read that he did a lot of his own stunts? haha
I HOPE that's true... just makes him better in my eyes...
and every other man increasingly inadequate.
aww, just kidding dudes! It's ok. We can't all be Bin Won...

- hug! -
watch the mooooovie!