

Director: Sean Ellis (2006) Starring: Sean Biggerstaff & Emilia Fox

If it wasn't the cover of this film, which happens to be a beautiful topless woman with a skirt hiked up, that caught my eye, it was... well... just the cover actually. I had seen this a year ago and just now watching it again, still lingers the same appreciation and fuzzy-warm feeling I got when I first watched it.

And now as I write, the voice in my head is speaking with a British accent.

I've always been a bit artistic in my view on the world around me and Biggerstaff's character Ben is the carbon copy thinker of myself. I immediately fell in love with him at the very first sentence spoken. 

The movie begins with poor Ben and his girlfriend Suzie breaking up.
This image is just hilarious, had to add it in here. Their break-up being SEMI-important because it triggers Ben's insomnia. Thus the story really begins. 

Ben = Artist .. Women = Muse
an artist without his muse = sleepless nights. 
Ben begins the search to find a muse for his work

The absence of this beautiful image in Ben's life may cause him to have sleepless nights. So with an extra 8 hours to spare he decides to pick up a job at the local supermarket. 

For the longest, I referred to the market in my mind as Salisbury's instead of Sainsburys. 
Thought that was note-worthy. 

Anyway I reaaaaally don't want to summarize because then, why would you watch it?! Instead I'll entice you with some lovely screenshots and some relative sentences about them. 
What always sticks in my mind about this movie and whenever someone asks me a question about art, this movie and the lines are usually floating around at the tip of my tongue. But of course, who I am to use others work as my own :) so I reference instead. 
He mentions a woman who dreams of having an affair with an artist because she feels that the artist, unlike her husband, really SEES her... Sees her flaws, her wrinkles, her lines and freckles and cherishes it... savors it and emphasizes it because he appreciates all these "flaws" as all a part of her combined self and who she is. 

The human body is one of great awe. I too like to appreciate the little things on peoples bodies that tells me more of a story then anything their mouth can put together. The cold hard facts, the undeniable truth lies on the surface of the skin as well as in the tiniest pores and lines. The body is a indeed a temple. 
From birth to our final days--our story is written out in wrinkles and sun spots.
As well as this being an artsy romantic movie, it has its laughs and funny moments. 
Another point I really enjoyed as something I can relate to.
The monotony of each day, the silence of boredom being broken with a joke or a stunt at work
I feel it kept the movie from being so snobby and in a way humbled its approach to the audience. Actually, I shouldn't say that because I think the cover and title don't mislead the art community or sway them in the least bit. 

I know I didn't expect this to be such an artistic film XD
It is definitely a deep, artistic movie but it tells a story of an everyday someone, a student working an 8 hour minimum wage job, and bullshits with the co-workers. Who also contains an artistic mind and passionate dialogue. 

Sort of appealing to men & women :) Hello Crowd Pleaser
Recommended this movie to a friend of mine as well... Hope they watch it. 

Total recommendation, it's a bit lengthy but absolutely worth it! It was hard for me not to go on tangents about parts of this movie but I really want to retain its mystery-- it's a must see! 

Rotten Tomatoes gave this a 2 out of 5 stars! -___-

Fuck Rotten Tomatoes, this a 5 if not 4 star film. 
The quote that sits on the bottom of the title on some versions of the movie/dvd/whatever is:

"Sometimes Love is Hiding Between the Seconds of your Life."

(just have to slow down enough to catch it.)

which is way better than "Sometimes Love Lets you Keep the Change"

I'm confident in saying my approach to this post was shaped by my journalism class I had earlier today. Anyway... 
There is another movie, somewhat similar in context as this one that I hope to be watching soon! 



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