Director: Yoshihiro Nakamura (2009)
Starring: Gaku Hamada, Atsushi Ito, Kengo Kora, Vincent Giry (Short appearance)

Randomly came across this movie on Netflix. As I began watching it, I had NO clue what was going on. I kept watching for the simple fact that during this comet crisis... a record store
was open haha.

That's probably where I'd be in that scenario. Jammin' till I die.
That or... depending on different variables, I'd be underground somewhere haha

The 3 people in the record store all begin to talk about this 1 record, this 1 song.
Fish Story by Gekirin... an old punk rock band that formed in the 70's before the disseverance and popularization of the Sex Pistols.
Gekirin is a fictional band. Haven't found any evidence proving otherwise.
Maybe they're not, though. Who knows...
I don't...
I bet you don't either.

The original title movie came with the subtitle saying something like
"Music will save the world" which quotes from the movie.
This movie is also based on a book written by Isaka Kotaro.

20 fucking 12 ... another thing I just don't know about.
Nor do I believe it, but I don't believe much other than what I feel that's true.
There's a crazy meteor coming to destroy the world. It will hit near Japan causing major tidal waves that will have the country underwater in minutes.

I enjoyed the realism. What if this will happen come December? What if it won't...
It was comforting to find a movie about a song that changes the course of the world.
To hear a song that in some small way could possibly change the course of my life, if even for that very small moment.

Like check this, I'm listening to a song, that makes me feel super happy... my mood affects someone else, so that changes their mood... their course of actions...
Domino effect all the way. All because of one song...
One minute of helping a stranger pick up their fallen bags... or holding the door open for a woman with a smile on her face but her day is going terrible.
That 1 small act of kindness... or that 1 thing you do differently, that change of mind, that small action. It can go on and on. It happens, you know.
Or at least, that's how I think. I can't speak for others.

I like to see how I think being put into a visual aspect. It's always enjoyable.
Fish Story being one of those films.
Makes you believe in those little acts of heroism, plus some.
It's so exceptionally done.

It bounces back and forth between 4 different times.
All times connected by 1 thing.

I really liked the band, though. Trying to come out onto the scene with a new style of music (at that time) and not really being accepted for it. At one point, they sit together by what seems to be a city river below the street level and they talk about what they are doing... where are they going.

There are tons of time where I feel quite lost in where I am going and if what I am doing (although I'm doing what I love) will others love it like I do?
Will they get out of it what I do? Imagine what I do while seeing/listening?
Probably not, because everyone is different, shaped by their experiences.
It happens similarly for this band... as well as other bands out there, I'm sure.

I like to think that although what I'm doing may seem inferior and unimportant and having no effect on anyone else or anything... that maybe when I'm long perished, something I've done will reach someone... and change their life in some small way.
Just as other pieces of art by others have touched me and changed my life.

Maybe it will happen... I can't be sure that it will. Nothing is sure in this life.
That is the reason why I enjoyed this film so much. I felt a connection with the characters in every scene. I've thought the same things, been a bit confused and unsure at times. Hoping something will turn out or just doing things for the hell of it, not caring if it affects anyone else but those in the moment with me.

( BY THE WAY - Kengo Kora is super attractive... I'd watch it again just to see his face.)

Thinking of life in a more Physics based way, of course something I do will change 1 thing, some way or another. It would be cool to be around to see it happen... Something changing on a macro level.

FISH STORY is really great. I've been ranting on about my inner thoughts that probably don't make much sense. You should watch the movie, maybe you'd start feeling like I do.
Maybe you feel that way already.
Maybe not. Still... you should watch the film.

Maybe my ranting would all make some sense after haha.

On top of that, the ending of the film is marvelous. Ties together so well it leaves you with a fuzzy feeling in your stomach and a knot in your throat that you just want to run outside and scream to the sky... like the guys above are doing :)

I don't know about you, but I definitely want to do something, leave something behind that makes a difference on this earth. Something that shows my once existence. That I wasn't just a mass of particles that melted into the earth after some odd amount of years.

So in a way, this movie was a bit inspirational. In the whole self-esteem department.
The fact of not being so sure about where I'm heading, but if I keep doing what I love, maybe it will turn out to something later on past my generation.

Maybe it won't... I really can't say.

Along with the cast being good actors, and the plot and sequencing moving along flawlessly despite the jumps in time eras, the message is wonderful.
For a music lover like myself, I do secretly think that a song can touch someone and make a difference.
Which is why I jump at the chance to show my music on my iPod to anyone who would listen.

So watch FISH STORY if you have time, which I recommend you make time.
Before 2012 comes along and we all die haha, just kidding.
That shit won't happen.


lol na.
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